This is the first of hopefully many post. I will be honest for any fool that digs deep enough to find this post. I have tried my hand at doing blogs in the past. But I find that I have a problem with finding words.
This is funny as I am an author who has some have at the time of this post have one book published, and a second on the way. Yet I am going to try to keep a set of post up this time. The first time I tried this, it was only book reviews, or small updates on the writing process. Then I tried being more serious trying to analyze a certain medium that I enjoy.
But both of these failed, and I think its because that is not how my brain works when creating something or at least interacting with this medium. Instead these post will be more free form and contain more perhaps ponderings at times, that might border on rants.
Yet I hope to keep all of this light heater, and about things I really enjoy. the world is a dim place as it is, and I don't feel like adding to it any more misery than can be found out there. So once again for those that foolishly dug to deep. This is the bedrock, the first, and here I hope not the last.
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